Work With PinayHakawati

Sunset from Big Chimgan Mountain, Uzbekistan

Hi there! Want to contact PinayHakawati? You must be looking for something more from me. And I'd be happy to know what's the curiosity about.

But before you do, hear me out.


I'm ready to grow from just being an individual and be part of a wonderful team. In line with that, I'm looking for future team members who would help me grow this blog from a hobby into a full-time entity.

I'm looking for the following:

  • Tech/Web - Responsible for User Experience (UX/UI)
  • Data Analyst - Responsible for web traffic, metrics, and all other numbers
  • Email & Marketing - Help me strategize campaigns and newsletters
  • Guest Contributors (preferably Pinay, sorry folks no hate here but just want to stick with my branding!) - Contribute guest blog posts with similar content to mine

As a disclaimer, as you know, PinayHakawati is still a small blog and I may not be able to promise a fair compensation yet. But, we will get there. And I need YOUR help to get there. ๐Ÿ™‚

If you're looking for an opportunity to grow and practice your skills, and you love traveling like me, reach out to me!

Let's Collaborate!

Backpacking, hiking, crossing the borders, hostel hopping, gear reviewing, blogging.... These are my thing!

If you're on the same wavelength as me, or would like to collaborate on something similar feel free to get in touch with me through email. Serious opportunities only, please!
