
I know some of you doesn’t agree that hiking IS a vacation, I totally get it. So if you’re the type of person who just want to see places and travel to different destinations, this page is for you. While this page isn’t much (yet), feel free to visit this section and read as often as you can! 😉


As a disclaimer, I didn’t come from a privileged background that gets to travel abroad (nor outside the island of Luzon) for vacation. My mom knows I have a ‘thing’ for traveling so when I got the chance to work abroad, she sent me off!

8 years later, I am still in the UAE as an OFW.

Fortunately, my desk job (most expats in the UAE) grants me a 30-day vacation leave per year that I can use well to my liking. On another note, let me break it to you, not everyone working in Dubai lives their life luxuriously. I’m one of them. I live an ordinary and an average lifestyle, so you get what my content is… budget ones. You won’t see content in luxurious travel destinations such as Maldives, Seychelles, Belize, Americas and the like including the fancy side of Dubai (yep I can’t afford helicopter tours, skydiving or staycation in Burj Al Arab).

But who knows? We never know what the future holds. For now, join me in my backpacking and budget trips!


While I do love staycation (whenever I can afford it), I do the opposite when traveling. I stay in budget hostels to maximize my budget so that I can spend more on experiences (and food). Explore this section if you’re looking for recommendations on accommodations!

Holding a Philippine Passport and looking for information on visa applications? This is where I can help you (hopefully). Learn from my application mistakes and misfortunes so that you don’t need to waste time, effort and of course, money.

My not-so-informative posts yet the personal stories that made my heart beat faster than it ever should. Memorable experiences that may not happen again in this lifetime, indulge on these stories as you get to know me on a slightly deeper level.

Click the country you’re interested in and see my posts written under that travel destination!