Simple Birthday Gift Ideas for Hiking & Travel Enthusiasts like me!

Rochelle's Birthday Cake

Since it was my birthday yesterday, (gosh, I'm another year older!), instead of asking for a gift, I thought of giving YOU a gift! Nothing materialistic, my gift to you is a short list of birthday gift ideas perfect for hiking and travel enthusiasts—just like us!

But why? Recently, I've found happiness in giving gifts to my friends and family for birthdays and Christmas. However, at times, choosing the right gift for them can be a real challenge (I know it's not only me!). So I go to the Internet for ideas, only to find out that many suggested gift ideas seem copied and pasted from others (not everyone of course). And what's worse is that they have never used the items they were suggesting!

After hesitating for a very long time, I've finally decided to write my suggestions. These items are based on my personal experience—items I’ve given and used while hiking or traveling! So, shall we start?

Birthday Gift Ideas for Hiking & Travel Enthusiasts:

As someone who puts extra thought into gift-giving, there's something I realized over the years: gifts don't need to be fancy, and expensive. Those gifts only end up on a display or inside a cabinet hidden away from the world. Because they're so fancy, we always wait for the perfect occasion to use them until we forget about them.

Gifts shouldn't be like that. As a giver (and a receiver), the gifts that we give (and receive) should be used and serve their purpose. In my opinion, the only bad gifts that we could ever give (and receive) are those that can't be used.

So, I'm recommending a list of practical, essential, and affordable hiking and travel items. Not only these gifts are thoughtful but they’re also usable, either for hiking, traveling, or both!

1. External Hard Drive or Memory Cards

One of the biggest nightmares for any traveler or hiker is running out of storage—whether it’s on your camera, phone, or laptop (where backups go).

For those of us who take a lot of photos and videos that can be used later on, any form of storage capacity is surely exhausted in a very short time. Nothing could be more than perfect but give an external hard drive or a few extra memory cards (of cameras) to ensure that we have sufficient storage capacity for the new memories!

2. Power Banks or Extra Batteries (of Camera)

As travelers, power banks are the most overlooked item during our travel. We never thought of 'upgrading' for a newer one and focused on 'bringing extras'. However, I learned that there the newer power banks come with higher capacities and faster charging ports. Upgrading to newer ones could save a lot of hassle and even weight!

In case you want to upgrade your gift, why not give extra camera batteries? More costly than a power bank, but they are extremely useful. Especially for multi-day hikes and trips to colder destinations where battery life drains much faster!

3. Ultralight Travel Towel

My favorite so far—the ultralight travel towel. You can't go wrong with this one!

It can be used during hiking, a session at the gym, a trip to the beach, camping with family, and backpacking anywhere else in the world! It's lightweight, quick-drying, and compact and it's the gift that you will use over and over again.

I have gifted it to friends, colleagues, and my hiking family and I never received a single complaint about it. The feedback is always the same: they love it!

    4. Toiletry Bag & Travel Bottles

    Another absolute lifesaver, unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all. Every trip is unique, and the way we pack our stuff should be adjusted to the particular trip.

    Toiletry bags come with different features and even pockets. Some are breathable and waterproof while others are made out of leather.

    Meanwhile, travel bottles come in different shapes and sizes. There are jars, spray bottles, pump bottles, funnels, and even scoopers. They all serve different purposes. Some trips would require you to use the full set while others may only need a few and very specific ones.

    Having options suitable for your trip is ideal so that you don't overpack or be forced to compromise on what you need.

    5. Packing Cubes or Compression Bags

    Similar to the item above, packing cubes and compression bags come in different sizes. It depends on your needs and you might need one or the other. For me, whether I'm hiking or traveling, I have a combination of both for different purposes.

    Packing cubes are used for organization purposes that I can easily pull when I need something. This is where I keep my socks, handkerchiefs, headwear or scarf, and sometimes even undergarments. Meanwhile, compression bags (usually and should be waterproof), are used for larger apparel that I will not need or use anytime soon. I keep them in compression bags to ensure that I can maximize the space inside my backpack.

    Both of these are sold in sets and come in different sizes, usually a set of 3 pieces in small, medium, and large. Again, depending on the duration and type of your trip, you might need something different or you might need more of a particular size.

    6. Sunhat, Caps, Beanie

    Now let's talk about headwear. While you may think that one item in this lifetime is enough, I beg to differ. Headwear absorbs sweat and dirt very quickly and using them every day can feel icky. For example, was our multi-day hike back in 2020, the 7-Days RAKTRAV!

    Having a spare one is important. Not only as a replacement for your multi-day hikes but also in case of emergency. For example, just recently, I lost my sunhat after hiking in Shymbulak in Kazakhstan and had no choice but to wear a beanie during my hike to Komsomolets Peak. So trust me, an extra one will come in handy!

    7. Multi-functional headwear or neckwear (Buff or not!)

    Speaking of headwear, another item on my list is multi-functional headwear or neckwear. Originally intended to be used while hiking, it's a versatile piece that can be used in different ways anywhere—from the mountains to the city streets.

    💡 Learn about the 12 Ways How to Wear a Buff!

    Oh, and by the way, Buff is not the term for this neckwear but rather a neck gaiter. Buff is the most popular brand hence the term but there are other options to choose from!

    8. Socks

    This one shouldn't come as a surprise, everyone needs a few pair of socks!

    From hiking socks to casual socks, or even compression socks, we also need different types of socks for different activities. As a suggestion, Merino wool socks are the perfect gift! They're lightweight, versatile, and perfect for any activity.

    9. Travel Essentials

    Down to the small items, who says you can't give travel essentials? You might think they are too small for birthday gifts, but they are thoughtful yet the most practical gifts.

    Since they are very small items, they tend to be overlooked when you're shopping for your travel needs. It's quite a hassle to buy them individually so we usually end up 'using the old one' promising to buy a new one before the next trip. But the cycle continues and being intentional to buy these individually can sometimes be so exhausting.

    Travel essentials such as insect repellants, sunscreen, and lip balms (with SPF), while very small, are practical, health-conscious, and keep the receiver adventure-ready. They also don't last forever! Gifting these travel essentials saves the receiver a lot of hassle and we always need a fresh bottle or item from time to time!

    10. Portable First Aid Kit

    Last but not least, is the most important of all, the first-aid kit!

    Building your own reliable first aid kit takes time and a lot of experimentation. An ideal first-aid kit must have the basics:

    • Adhesive bandages (band-aids) in different sizes and bandages
    • General Medication such as pain relievers, anti-diarrhea, antihistamines, cold and flu tablets, and motion sickness pills
    • Blister Pads
    • Sterile Gauze Pads
    • Adhesive Tapes
    • Antiseptic Wipes or Solution

    The list could go on but we usually customize them depending on the type of trip. For example, you wouldn't need motion sickness pills for hiking trips. Or you could take it easy on stocking up sterile gauze pads and adhesive tapes if you're backpacking as these could easily be bought in pharmacies.

    For gifting, you could give a lightweight and empty first aid kit bag (that's also important), or the basic items individually, or something in between! It doesn't need to be perfect!

    Gift Value: Practicality & Usability!

    Instead of giving (and receiving) gifts that are expensive but go unused, the birthday gift ideas shared above are essential items that provide comfort, safety, and ease to both hikers and travelers alike.

    At the same time, you are not obliged to buy from a particular brand. There are lots of options in the market also from basic ones up to the best ones. No matter which one you choose, the gift's purpose remains the same.

    And let's not forget, before we choose the best gift out there, we should all still do our due diligence and consider the recipients' needs and their adventure style over anything.


    As a recap, here's a list of birthday gift ideas for hiking & travel enthusiasts like me!

    1. External Hard Drives or Extra Memory Cards
    2. Power Banks or Extra Batteries (for Cameras)
    3. Ultralight Travel Towels
    4. Toiletry Bags & Travel Bottles
    5. Packing Cubes or Compression Bags
    6. Sunhat, Caps, or Beanies
    7. Multi-Functional Headwear or Neckwear
    8. Socks
    9. Travel Essentials
    10. First Aid Kit

    These items might seem generic, but they are absolutely game-changers to frequent travelers! They are appreciated even if they already own a piece or two since they can be used simultaneously or on different occasions. Lacking any of these can lead to serious stress and discomfort on the road and having them could save your trip from a disaster, especially in case of emergencies!

    So, forget about branded, too technical, or even expensive displays as gifts. Think about what will make their trips more fun, comfortable and hassle-free!

    That's all for now and I hope you find this list useful. If your birthday is coming up, which of these would you like to receive?

    🏠 Filipina 🇵🇭 📍 Dubai, UAE 🇦🇪 🌏 Hiking & Travel
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